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Hire the top 5%!

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Our Application Development Services

iOS app developers
App Development
Android app developer
App Development
React native developer
React native
App Development
SaaS development company
App Development
IoT developer
App Development
Cloud app developer
Application Development

Impact We Deliver:
Cutting-Edge Mobile App Development Services


Helping a disruptive green tech company
go mobile and provide large scale services
to the world
Find out how we did it
Mobile App
Mobile app development case study

Mission Rabies

One of the largest public health initiative for Rabies, help health teams manage large scale operations remotely
Find out how we did it
Mobile App

ONA date

Smart, secure dating app led by world’s best dating experts
Find out how we did it
Mobile App

Why Choose Our App Development Services ?

We are the top 5%!

Our organization excels in mobile app development, bringing together some of
the world’s most distinguished and accomplished app developers. With a team comprising the top 1% to 5%
of talent globally, we ensure excellence with no compromises on quality, professionalism, or communication skills.
Highly skilled in cross platform development and agile development methodologies
Core contributor to major open source technologies and deeply involved with mobile platform providers.
Developers assessed not on their pedigree, but domain knowledge and technology footprint they have made.
Very low employee turnover rate due to continuous training and development programs
Encouraged to learn and play with new tech. Sometimes we build just to see when it breaks
Our developers are quality driven with a deep passion for the projects they take on - just as passionate as you are!

Our Three pillars of quality

Mobile app developer system design
System Design
Design supports your mission
critical software needs
mobile app developer architecture
Architectural Integrity
Clean, maintainable and scalable
defines our approach towards quality
Mobile app developer risk reduction
Long Terms Business Goals
Right technology to reduce risk
and deliver performance
Contact us to see how!

Meet our happy customers!

We are extremely proud of our award winning work. Here’s what our
customers felt after working with us.
AppVelocity has been and continues to be a fantastic partner that saves us from having to build out a full in-house software development team.”
Jawann Swislow, 
CTO @Freewire
We are extremely pleased to choose AppVelocity as our development partner for mobile app requirements. As our extended team, they have fully understood the challenges of our startup and delivered on every front.”
Todd Berk, 
The team at AppVelocity helped Ona realize it's vision and delivered clean and stunning mobile interface designs and also simplified complex user flows and interactions for the average user.”
Mark Zuppe,  
They have gone above and beyond our expectations, integrating seamlessly with our own team to deliver cutting edge technology in a timely and professional manner.”
AppVelocity has been and continues to be a fantastic partner that saves us from having to build out a full in-house software development team.”
Jawann Swislow, 
CTO @Freewire
We are extremely pleased to choose AppVelocity as our development partner for mobile app requirements. As our extended team, they have fully understood the challenges of our startup and delivered on every front.”
Todd Berk, 
The team at AppVelocity helped Ona realize it's vision and delivered clean and stunning mobile interface designs and also simplified complex user flows and interactions for the average user.”
Mark Zuppe,  
They have gone above and beyond our expectations, integrating seamlessly with our own team to deliver cutting edge technology in a timely and professional manner.”

Your biggest challenges with hiring
an agency or a freelancer

Communication challenges

Communication complexity increases exponentially
with the number of team members you add to the
project. It gets to an extent where you just can’t manage anything anymore!
communication challenges with app developer

No guarantee of delivery

Freelance market places would refund you and ask you
to look for someone else. That brings significant lead
time to your development. Agencies on the other hand
won’t take any responsibility!
app development freelancer or company

This is where our
App Development services are different

We guarantee delivery

The foundation of our guarantee is deep understanding of app development ecosystems. We
have tested these ecosystems to extreme limits, leaving no stone unturned.

How we approach guaranteed delivery?

Fix any bugs induced for free
Replace dev that don’t fit your needs,
Responsibility of delivery is shared equally between stakeholders and dev team
Cost of training on new tech would be on us, you incur zero risks

We communicate effectively

Our painless communication starts with Team leaders and project reporting is placed
at the core of your project
effective communication developersprint driven app development Manage app development projects
Our developers are best trained to communicate like you have never experienced before. You can painlessly participate in scrum meetings to daily interact with your teammates on critical and immediate issues.

A good communication pattern keeps your developer focused as well

Development leaders who have worked with software teams understand this, and so
do we! The communication on our part with you is


Easily identifiable and understandable, no matter the complexity of the project


Respect yours and your developers time to boost productivity of all teams


Makes sure that people with different responsibilities and levels of involvement are better engaged in a project

Email is an important tool, but it isn't the
only tool we use to communicate

Simplicity that fuels innovation

We have perfected the art to drive innovation with simplistic, transparent communication standards

Clearly Defined

Standardized documentation for all parts of the project that are clearly defined as per the sprint divisions

Well Documented

Everything is documented, nothing is verbal to ensure that everyone is on the same page

Easily Understandable

A common language for communication that ensure that handovers of the project
from one team to another (dev to QA) is smooth and clearly understandable.

Here’s the thing about software development

You can’t really build innovation without innovating the way you are building them

What separates us from freelancers?

Distributed teams and the culture
Well, let’s start with the culture. Building a highly focused teams requires orientation of software developers, this is a real difficult task. If you don’t have the right culture within this team, you are going to build more silos, Martin Fowler takes the definition and describes this challenge very well.
He wasn’t talking about freelancers but your own hired teams. Imagine how difficult it becomes to work with a distributed team in the same case.
Challenges in app development
Complex Script
High risk
Complex Script
High risk
Complex Script
High risk

It takes 3-4 months to hire a really good team, with us all it takes is just 1 week

Talent is difficult to find

Talent is difficult to find, and it takes more than a quarter to find and kick-off the project even with mild complexities. We on the other hand have nurtured and assembled a team for this exact purpose. You can assemble a team with us in less than a week, and kick-off as fast as you want.

1 week is all it takes to kick off with us!

Once you hire a team of freelancers, you still have to be the sole manager of your team, wearing multiple hats and overlooking each and every effort including extremely non-trivial stuff. You have to do this while doing the most important thing - building your business on a scale. This puts you at risk, especially if anyone underperforms or a freelancer leaves.

With us, you get a time tested, a process driven team built just for faster
delivery and eliminating risks.

A typical team structure for mobile app development at AppVeloctiy has

UX Designers

Subject Matter Experts

Mobile App Developers

Project Managers

Software Architects

Application Testers

Mobile app projects are usually driven by Architects and a Project manager, ensuring that the risks, architecture and timely delivery has been ensured.
At AppVelocity, we will deliver your app within 3-4 months - that’s just the time it will take you to hire an average team of freelancers.

How are we different from other
Mobile App Development agencies?

Agencies are a step up from freelancing teams, but a really good agency is always different - that’s what we are!
Agencies bring reliability and good practices to the table. But
what many lack is the approach towards software development and a technology leadership.
Each project at AppVelocity kicks off with a solid foundation of
system design and architecture patterns ensuring quality
remains high right from the start, reducing points of failures and improving your agility with software development in general.

Our App developers are dedicated to a single project at a time

Most agency developers are

  • Working on multiple projects at the same time: Good for agency bad for you 
  • Overworked! Working on multiple projects developers won’t be paying attention to the project you deserve 

Our developers on the other hand

  • Work dedicatedly on a single project
  • They are relaxed, not stressed and focus on learning more
  • Their project management and communication tools are free just for your project. There won’t be any other thread that would disturb them

In-house vs our App developers

With us you just don’t get a app development team, you get the following trained and tested
just to facilitate app development at scale and with faster go-to-market:
Solution Architect
UI/UX Designer
Project Manager
Mobile Developer
QA Engineers
Backend Developers
What if a developer that you hired after months of search and expenses leaves? That puts your entire project to halt!

Talent loss if your in-house developer leaves

We have achieved 99% retention over a decade,
and we are incredibly proud of it. Still, if a
developer leaves mid project, we have an entire
talent pool with us to tackle such situations

Your IP concerns and security

Security Standards

We have security standards and
practices to ensure that your app will
be developed securely in an enterprise
grade, secured infrastructure

IP Protection

For client IP protection we have
enterprise wide firewalls that builds a secure development, testing and deployment environments.

Dev Environment

Development environments are further locked and secured, any access to APIs, URIs, etc would have to be validated by the project leader.

From idea to app store, our process

Your UX journey with us



I want to design an app for my
user. We don't know how our
target audience would respond to this.
You talk to us, we create a user persona for you that lists the pain, frustrations and what motivates your users.


You talk to us. We create a user persona for you that lists pain, frustrations and what motivates your users
We create storyboards, user stories, affinity mapping and guerilla testing to help you move from persona to
a problem


These are some of our initial
results, let’s define the real
problem that we are going to
solve now
We will help you establish real pain points, map them with a UX solution. We will test this solution against user flows to see if it really solves the challenge


Great! I am 100% confident with the design research you've put in place. Let's prototype
We will now prototype the actual interface design. For a complex UI, our dev teams would already be in loop to make sure we actually deliver and optimise the performance of this UI.

UX design process


Final wireframe

High fidelity UI mockups

Final Design

Still not sure about your idea? Talk to us!

We follow Agile

Our software development process

Mobile app development process
Using CI/CD tools such as TeamCity, Jenkins, and Bamboo, we practice zero-touch deployment of new code to production immediately after it has cleared the development and testing phases.
Automated deployment models ensure that business and technology rules are setup to actually prevent poor quality code from getting into live production environments.

Our App development process for fruitful engagement?

Once you start a project with us, we first start with a know-your-team meeting where you meet everyone who is going to be a part of your app development. You get to learn more about their skills and we get a chance to understand your project.
You will then undergo through a series of such discussions that shapes your documentation and requirement of your project. Upon reaching a mutual agreement in terms of what needs to be done. The project development in most cases follow a SCRUM model which has project milestones divided into sprints. First kick-off being the sprint 0, and the development and design starts from sprint 1 and sprint 2.
App idea to finish process
The entire process brings predictable-precision delivery and interactivity to the project under process. It also makes sure the communication of critical issues doesn’t take a back stage.
Let's build your app together